
Job Vacancy – Musician Wanted

Audience interaction is a must, a good sense of humour and if you can sing and play the guitar then your reading the right post.

Absolutely NO backing tracks or drum machines, just good auld banter and live music.

Please fill in the form below and select MUSICIAN as the position being applied for.

Job Enqueries

If your looking for a job, for the summer, part time, or on a full time basis then please let us know by filling in the form below. We cannot reply to all enquiries but will be in touch if we are interested in you for the position.
    Please let us know what type of work you seek.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
    If you select Summer Work as your preference in the options above, please let us know when you will be arriving in Marbella.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, xdoc, word, notepad, Max. file size: 128 MB.
    Please send us a copy of your CV
  • If you have anything else you fell we should know or any comments you would like to make please add them in here.